The latest development on this front is that the US government is now demanding that it -as in the US Department of Homeland Security - should get access to government registers of identity, personal information such as medical info, biometrics eg DNA, and police records…..in all European countries. By 2026. Or people from these countries will be forced to apply manually for visas every time they wish to travel to the US.

Some are doing it without question and some are making pantomime debates before inevitably doing it.

Its as if we dont know about thing about this and the Snowden revelations never happened.


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Thank you for you boring reading with important and interesting results :)

By no means the same gravity, but I used to sit in every local Council meeting, including the meetings that made the real decisions before getting there. It was years of horrendousness, with sometimes the important part at the end of 5hrs of a sore arse when I was the only member of the Puiblic remaining. Or it was put under green pages which meant I would be told to leave the room so they could discuss it secretly.

That's South Africa but bureaucracy, corruption and politics is the same almost everywhere. And if that's the foundation, it can only get worse with each level up.

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